Fuji climb

July 2, 2016

On the dates of the 2nd and 3rd of July I was given the opportunity to climb Mount Fuji with Willer Travel. This was a climb that was on my bucket list and I am glad to have been able to cross it off. The climb was surprisingly easy, with kids as young as six years old spotted climbing the mountain with their families.

Fuji climb

The first day of the climb was rather slow paced in order for no one to become exhausted, but I was glad that it was such. It made for an enjoyable climb for everyone, and everyone seemed very happy with the experience.

Reaching the summit certainly was an incredible feeling. Knowing that you have just conquered all 3,667m of Mount Fuji, and you’re about to experience what is regarded as the most beautiful sight in all of Japan.

You’re about to experience what is regarded as the most beautiful sight in all of Japan.

The sunrise certainly did not disappoint. It was spectacular. Even the cloud formations above the mountain were amazing. I have never seen such clouds before, it was truly breathtaking.

I would recommend this trip to anyone that has two spare days in Japan. It is truly an experience not to be missed.

The sunrise certainly did not disappoint.
I would recommend this trip to anyone that has two spare days in Japan.

Review by Trial Traveler from Australia